Friday, June 23, 2017

The first family meal in our new home

Seriously I thought I would post more often than I have, whoops. Instead of writing another "blovel" like my last post, I will just share my thoughts about today.

We have been in our new to us home in Amarillo since February 18th. We have owned this new to us home since Feb 4th. So this means there has been 20 weeks of "remodeling" going on in this here place. OH MY GOSH Y'ALL. I do not know how people do this all the time. Anyway, we came back from a wonderful 10 day unplugged family camping/fishing trip, to a house that had a range installed. WHAT THE WHAT? first a microwave, then a sink, then we actually can cook? Mind you I haven't unpacked my kitchen truly, because there is no point, there is always dust, saw dust, dirt, whatever, but they were finally finished with all the things "dusty" mostly anyway. So I finally got to unpacking. I am so OCD. I had to get shelf paper to line my perfectly brand new alabaster white cabinets, and drawers, I don't want to scratch them! Once that was done, I could start unpacking! I finally got the essentials this morning, and so today I cooked our first meal(s). Simple, yet so satisfying. We had burritos for lunch, and then tonight it was breakfast for dinner.

Tonight was so different, than things have usually gone. Don't get me wrong, I have cooked(let's be real, sort of, I tried to make it work with a rotating oven and a crock pot),  but we've eaten standing, outside on the patio, sitting in the floor, in the living room, WE'VE EATEN OUT SO MUCH I DO NOT LIKE IT. We are never at the table together. The kids had their little picnic table as the kitchen table forever.
What is it about having a family meal that is so special? Why is is important? I've known that it is, and have taken it for granted so many times. It was oh so apparent tonight at dinner.

Daddy comes home, we play, we cook together, worship music is playing in the's beautiful.... I yell at my kid who drops an egg everywhere, apologize for yelling,  and encourage to continue to help cook..... my other one almost burns their hand, I apologize for snapping, ask them to set the table(with the paper goods of course, I'm not getting crazy the dishwasher isn't installed yet.) (THIS IS REAL LIFE) But most importantly we are together. working together. We each do our part. We sit, we pray, I cry, we eat, food gets all over said new floor...and  WE TALK. Like actually talk, where we look one another in the eye, there are no phones at the table. What was the best part of your day? What was one thing you really didn't like today? What did you talk to God about today? The last time we did this my youngest couldn't really talk that well, and his answers were silence, or "fun mom". Tonight they both talked, we laughed, and I LOVED IT. My son, with so much excitement said the same thing repeatedly, that he loved about his day. As if he was telling a different part of the story. His favorite part of the day was feeding and playing with Rowdy dog, and the sprinkler, and Rowdy dog, and trampoline--repeat. My daughter says using her cookbook, and the water sprinkler, and then she says "Mom you are a good cook, I like cooking with you." I cooked biscuits, eggs, and bacon. I'm such a chef! It doesn't matter to kids, or to husbands for that matter, Just spend time together. Let them enter your world, and vise versa.

OH how I have missed this time with my family. This one thing literally made a world of difference in this new to us place actually feeling like a HOME. It was the best part of my day, my favorite part. I wanted to write about this because there will come a time in the near(hopefully not so near) future that I feel like complaining about cleaning dishes, or cooking, or meal planning, or grocery shopping....but for now I am embracing this moment, these memories. This time. And I want you to be encouraged.

Friends, there's nothing like gathering around the table, whether it's with your friends, family, or a new friend(s). I can't wait for more time around our table, for conversation, for FOOD, friendship, real connection, blessings, and memories.  The table is such an easy place to truly have relationship with one another. Jesus was such a good example of this, how many times was he at someones house at their table, sharing the gospel, loving on others? I hope you have a table, and you open it up to whomever the Lord asks you to.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

God sold our house, moving part 2

February is going to be an exciting month! It's my birthday, and it will be our last few weeks here in Snyder for certain! We are moving in with my parents, moving to amarillo, starting a new school, new church, and hopefully new small group and new friends soon!!!! Oh all the new---yet all the old I"m leaving behind(I'll not go into that now, because I do not want to cry right now)

to pick up from my last post...

So we listed our Snyder home on 11/21, right before Thanksgiving weekend, I knew Jeremiah was about to go to Lubbock for a week of training, and then the next week start his new job and I wanted to get this thing listed ASAP. I totally called in reinforcements. I have two sweet friends who are really good at this stuff. I got the best advice on how to declutter and stage my house---and they even came and did a ton of it!!! MY FRIENDS ROCK! Our realtor was very upfront with us about the current market here in Snyder being extremely slow, as in she hadn't sold a house in months, everyone was saying OH man, that's gonna be tough to sell right now, I knew that, BUT GOD knows my needs, and I kept praying that HE would send the RIGHT family to us. I prayed over our home, inside and out. I had many people praying,  LOVE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST!  I knew the odds were against us, and I wasn't sure what God's plans were exactly, but I trusted Him. And I kinda liked my very clean, decluttered, home--why didn't I get rid of this stuff sooner? ( I will have to elaborate on decluttering another time--but I will say this, when you walk into your home and everything has a place, and you don't see "stuff" out everywhere, its such a peaceful place to be!)

December 12th was Jeremiah's official start date in Amarillo, (the week prior he did training in Lubbock), we packed and moved him to Fort Amarillo RV park the Sat before, the 10th. As far as RV parks go, this one is super nice. It has a game room, a heated pool, very nice showers(super important during the freezing weather), and a very awesome store Lizzie Mae's Mercantile. You should totally go check it out if you are in town, NOT JOKING. Anyway, my parents graciously allowed us to borrow their RV temporarily, what a blessing!
I am so thankful my husband had agreed to brave the FREEZING WINTER in an RV for our family! It has been an adventure for sure, learning all sorts of new things, and figuring out our new normal for the time being.
Our first family trip to Palo Duro Canyon, Amarillo

We decided it was best for me and the kids to stay here and keep the their lives as normal as possible because like I said who knew how long it would take to sell our home. Also we kinda love our people, and Emmalyn has the BEST teacher and the idea of leaving her still makes me sad....In our minds we thought we can do this at least until spring break, maybe?  Jeremiah and I really do like each other. I mean we need our space at times, but not much, and we had never really been apart much over a 2 day span. This is seriously the longest we have ever been apart from each other. In ways it has strengthened our marriage, our respect and appreciation for one another, and in ways it's brought out things that are even harder to discuss now...for another time---- SATAN loves to attack and he is always on the prowl, but satan you can't have my marriage!! in JESUS NAME. take that!
I can say I have prayed so much! I've learned to talk to my husband more, like when we were dating and talked for hours--not really hours now, but you know, actual conversations about real life things. I really do like him, he's funny, and such a hard worker.  He really loves me A LOT! I am so thankful for Face Time, especially for the kids sake. They love to see their Daddy. Tristan usually lasts all of 10 seconds in front of the screen, then I hold it and make sure Jeremiah can see him playing cars, while he tries to talk to him. Emmalyn and Daddy still read the Bible every single night(pretty much), however now she is reading her Jesus Storybook Bible to Him!
I totally rocked this whole partial single mom thing the first two weeks, and then I was like oh LORD--HELP!
Every weekend I would go to Amarillo to look for houses, all except one time I brought the kids with me, so I was keeping the house show ready, and trying to take care of our normal over here, while trying to look for something new to us over there. Then "weekending" in an RV was........IT WAS NUTS! Thankfully we have some coaching friends who live there! They hooked us up with an amazing realtor, and offered to help us out so many times with the kids, let us come over. They even let us go on a dinner date ALONE, IT WAS AWESOME!!! I am so thankful for them!

So for 30 days I kept my house spotless, (with a toddler at home OH GOODNESS), picked everything up all the time just in case someone wanted to come see it. For 29 days, NO ONE CAME, but on day 30-potential buyers came. I tried to not get too excited, I mean we have been looking at homes too, and many a time it was okay, this one is not it. So I just prayed!!! 
Now like I said in my last post, we knew we were supposed to move to Amarillo, as much as I did not prefer to move away, we knew God had said GO. However not everyone thought this was a good idea for us. I remember telling my parents(mom don't kill me, because I know Dad will never read this, but this is such an important detail of how God has worked in our lives), It was hard to say. Mom responded in the proper way, "who am I to tell you what God is asking you to do, but I don't want you to move" Dad just got quiet, then later told me what he thought. Then I swear it was like radio silence for the next 3 weeks or so---IT WAS HARD!!! I mean who wants their grandkids(lets be honest they are more important than us now HA) to move 3 hours away?!!!!! And when you are a parent and you are not sure about your kids choices(even if said kid is  say married and 35 years old) it's hard not to worry, and wonder if they are making the right decision, especially such a BIG, LIFE CHANGING ONE! I just told God to please let my parents in on what He had already told us so we could all be on the same page PRETTY PLEASE!!! I prayed so hard for my house to sell, for Jeremiah and I being apart, and I also prayed the Lord would give confirmation to my family that we weren't crazy, and this is exactly what God wanted us to do.
In 2011 I remember a similar feeling of uneasiness,  telling my parents God told me to quit coaching and be a stay at home mother. They weren't too sure about that one either, but had watched Jeremiah and I walk in faith and obedience through all of this--They've seen the fruit from it! Now it was hard,  I'm sure to watch us go through the tough see God doesn't say "hey come follow me and it will be sunshine and rainbows and smiles 24/7" He does promise however to supply all our needs. that was NEEDS, not wants! NEEDS!( I have to tell myself this often).
anyway--similar situations--I thought surely they know by now that we prayed about this and seriously heard the Lord say GO---but apparently they needed a sign. (see below) Which is okay, I love my parents fiercely!!

You see that family that saw our home, the 1st time it showed, they were the family we had been praying for. I'll never forget the realtor calling and telling me about them. She said when the wife walked in the door she said(as close as I can remember exactly, but you get the point) "Oh my goodness, do you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place, and as she went through the house she kept saying OH I love this, Oh I feel the presence of the Lord here, I love this house, this is the one!" I was driving home from Amarillo, and I had to pull over at this point, my eyes were filling up with tears, my entire body was tingling. God had answered my prayers. You see I had just left my husband, and I told him I didn't know how long I could keep doing this, spring break seemed like an eternity! And we prayed that God would make a way, to calm me and give me strength and perseverance, or he would sell our house quickly, whatever His will was. I couldn't believe it, and yet I really could. God knew I was weary and needed some confirmation, He knew Jeremiah needed it too. He also knew exactly how to answer my parents prayers, in a way they would without a doubt know it was Him. I love how God does that in our lives sometimes. Things happen and there is without a shadow of a doubt only one way to explain it and that is that our Almighty Father is on His Throne, and He does what is best for us, in His perfect timing! Our buyers were moving back due to a job transfer and they told them it would be anywhere from 30-90 days, so we agreed on 60, and our house was set to close February 28th. This was totally okay with us with the holidays going on, and us not really knowing where we were going to live yet in Amarillo!!!

So here's the sign, exactly 30 days after we listed our home! 
We have a contract on our home! 12/21/2016
We celebrated Christmas, and then we had to get serious about finding a home quick! The market in Amarillo is the exact opposite of Snyder's. It is SUPER HOT especially in our price range! Again I could go on and on for days about our realtor, I will say this--God had set this divine appointment up a long time ago!! I felt like I was going into this new place completely blind! I knew very little about Amarillo, knew Canyon ISD was stellar and that's about it! Thank God for our realtor! Our home buying went about like this--we had a number we weren't willing to go above. We maxed it out on 2 homes we loved and we got outbid on both homes, each time there were multiple offers. It was getting very frustrating. It seemed like our best option was to get a 1300-1400 sq ft home move in ready.  Our current home is 1685 and the idea of these smaller bedrooms in those homes and smaller living rooms made me cringe. We are home a lot! I kept bucking the idea of buying an older home with more sq ft because quite honestly the entire thing terrified me. I kept saying we do not have time to remodel! We are not Chip and Joanna Gains, or anything even remotely close to them!!!! We have no idea how to fix things, make them new, or pretty, or even where to start. And it is so not ideal to buy a home and have to renovate right off the bat, where to do move your stuff, etc? HOWEVER God kept working on me on that one, like making me swallow my pride a little. Getting over my idea of what type of home "I deserved". Most of you know when I quit coaching it wasn't because we could afford to do it, it was because God said to, and there were many sacrifices- and thankfully Dave Ramsey's financial planning was a HUGE help for us in making this happen!!!! So Jeremiah and I were both very set on not getting a home at a price we qualified for, but for what we wanted our monthly payment to be!!!! I am glad when it comes to finances we are both typically on the same page, and determined to stick to it! We see the big picture. 

So Jeremiah is up there working, I'm totally discouraged, and he is looking at houses on his lunch break, during the week, and then on the weekends I go look if he thinks its a good one, or another listing comes up our realtor thinks I need to see. NOTHING SEEMS TO BE RIGHT! He calls me and Face Time's me into a showing and the house is totally livable, but it needs some work, especially to the kitchen. but it's almost 1800 sq ft! and it has this ginormous back yard, side yard, front yard. We like to be outside so this is important to us. It's on a corner lot but it's built in 1968, and currently in a trust, empty, and we aren't sure it would even pass inspection. What we can see looks good, but what about the electrical the plumbing and things like that? This all makes me so nervous!!! 
We decide to make an offer and long story short we have a contract on this home that morning! I am excited yet kinda ready to see the inspection report already before I really start seeing myself in this home, and making plans! 
BUT GOD, once again answered my prayers--No JOKE, our realtor here in Snyder calls us the same day  we made the offer and says "The buyers got their transfer notice and they want him here in 2 weeks, so you are in the drivers seat, but if you want to move the closing date up you can" SERIOUSLY GOD!!!! I knew were were going to be getting this house and that it would all work out at that moment. God has seriously taken what has seemed impossible and just made it happen! It isn't what I expected at all, but it's so good!

So this is no fairy tale- I've hit a few walls recently, not literally HA, but I've been pretty weak at times. I keep feeling overwhelmed and discouraged and have to refocus my attention, get in the WORD, turn on my christian jams and belt out "you are good, good, oh" and search for an attitude of gratitude. I am so thankful for everyone who is praying for us, taken time to listen to my craziness, cooked, cleaned, packed, stopped by to talk for a minute, and so much more!!! I am so blessed beyond what I deserve ! I wish I could be out living life, having lunches, last dinners with friends, hanging out at the library story time, playdates, etc....but I have so much to do!!!!
(I wrote this one day on my facebook page)
If you want to test your marriage.
have your husband move into an RV to start a new job in a new city, while you are at "home" getting everything ready to move/buy/sell. You are leaving your hometown, family, and so many amazing people and friends, and sweet girls God has had you surrounded with for over 10 years(or more)---
I prayed he would expand my territory, I just didn't know he would do it this way...but His ways are always best!
I will continue to walk in obedience, through faith. =) let the adventures begin! This is so not about me, it's 
about Him!

So our current plan is this: We move out of our Snyder house this SATURDAY THE 4TH @8AM if any of you are available to load up a trailer we would be super happy you stopped by(SERIOUSLY TEXT ME FOR OUR ADDRESS PLEASE 325-721-7881)!!!! WE are moving our stuff into a storage unit in Amarillo.(I am not kidding, isn't this so ideal and super fun).  We close on our Snyder home Monday the 6th, Amarillo home Tuesday the 7th. Head to the house to meet the contractor, and they will get started. It all should be finished in two weeks! I'm super pumped about my new kitchen!!!!
In the mean time, the kids and I will live with my parents(thank you thank you thank you Mom and Dad), and Jeremiah will continue to work in Amarillo! If it all works out I'll get to spend my birthday here in Snyder! =) 
So none of this is ideal- it's been extremely hard, and we aren't finished yet- however I am so excited about what God is going to do next! It has been, and will continue to be an adventure for sure, my faith is being stretched and I am growing closer to my sweet Jesus, oh how I am thankful for Him!! 
I am so glad that we will all be in the same place very soon and can be TOGETHER! I know this is going to strengthen our relationship with the Lord, as well as each other. When I get all worked up about the remodel or what we can afford to do first, second, and what we will have to wait to save for, I keep reminding myself that we will have a super low mortgage and although its tough right now, it will be worth it later. We won't be strapped to our monthly payment!! We are one step closer to being debt free! Student loans we are tackling next, then it's the mortgage!!!! 

I'll post on the new house and remodel later. For now I have to finish packing this house up, pack for the three of us to stay 10 days or more with my parents. pack an overnight bag for our trip to Amarillo Saturday. finalize plans with our contractor, and I'm sure a bazillion other things. 

I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT MY MOTHER! She has been here all week, and part of last week and we have tacked my to-do list like champs! I love you Momma! You are the BEST!!!

I will leave you with this song- the kids and I blast it in the car, in the house. We have impromptu jam sessions where we worship and sing and dance. "mom I think we need a good moment!", "yes sweet girl we do!" And we play this song(turn it up friends)!!!

"Rejoice in the Lord Always, and Again I say Rejoice!" I read Philippians 4 over and over and over! Our life is super crazy at the moment, but soon, very soon it will all be a little smoother, and I will say How did we do this? GOD, that's how, He is doing all this through us! He is so GOOD!

King of My Heart

John Mark McMillan & Sarah McMillan

[Verse 1]
Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh-oh, He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh-oh, He is my song

You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh

[Verse 2]
Let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh-oh, He is my song
Let the King of my heart
Be the fire inside my veins
The echo of my days
Ohh! He is my song

You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh

You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down


You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good, good, oh-ohh
You are good

You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down
You're never gonna let
Never gonna let me down


When the night is holding onto me
God is holding on
When the night is holding onto me
God is holding on

Monday, January 30, 2017

We're Moving, Part 1

So I totally slacked off on this whole blog thing, (like almost 2 years) and have felt like I needed to pick it back up, I truly want to start not only journaling about how God is moving in our lives, but the things he wants me to share with others, I need to get off my secret pages in my journal, and onto this--to encourage others, (keep my friends updated and feel connected) and ultimately to bring God the glory for all He is doing in our lives! We are continually working out our faith! My prayer is this--

May these posts be like the 12 stones the Israelites placed on the bank of the Jordan River, that it would cause the people to remember the Lord's goodness, when He led them into the Promised Land.

"That this may be a sign among you when your children ask in time to come, saying, 'What do these stones mean to you?' Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever" (Joshua 4:6-7).

So I had started a post called personal revelation back in August's what I had written so far. 

Luke 6:46 (Phi) "And what is the point of calling me 'Lord, Lord', without doing what I tell you to do."
Luke 6:46-49 (NEB) "Why do you keep calling me, "Lord, Lord"--and never do what I tell you?.. But, he who hears and does not act is like a man who built his house on the soil without foundations. As soon as the rivers burst upon it, the house collapsed and fell with a great crash."
Luke 11:28 (NIV) "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Following God's will to be a stay at home mother has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. God has promised to give us all things that we need, but he never promised us to be comfortable. I have learned to live on MUCH less money than I have been used to for a long time, I have learned to rely on God to provide, I have learned that FAITH is more amazing than I even thought possible, and that true OBEDIENCE leads me closer to my God and Savior, and it is such an indescribable feeling. I have learned to not get caught up in the things of this world, they are just things, and NONE of it can go with me to HEAVEN. I have learned that when trying to do what my flesh thinks is right(even sounds good to my family, and friends), if it's not what God wants, then it is wrong, even if that means doing something totally different than everyone else.

There have been times when we thought, man we are doing good, things are good, life is good, we are blessed. And then it's like God hit us with a ton of bricks, "hello, this is not what I said to do, get back on the path. I have become accustomed to some things, and kept thinking I have worked so hard for these things, and I don't want to give them up, I shouldn't have to. My whole life I have been thinking that prosperity and career success meant I was in the will of God, and he saw favor on me.

John 14:21(NIV) "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."


**warning this is gonna be a long one....a lot has happened fast and it's so hard to call everyone and well here it goes!!!

So yes, we are moving! It's still quite strange saying this out loud! I mean I already did this, I spread my wings a flew away from my hometown/county for over 10 years, and God brought me back. It's the perfect story really, perfect job, surrounded by my family. Got married, had 2 kids, became a SAHM, and God has been working on us in so many different ways, but it was always HERE, with OUR PEOPLE, OUR FAMILY, OUR CHURCH FAMILY--I never saw this one coming--It was not in my 10-20 year plan at all! 

God does that you know, catches you off guard sometimes. I seriously thought I had taken this course and passed it with flying colors the first time, and never thought I'd have to repeat it. This whole obedience and faith course- I already did that--I quit my dream job, to be a SAHM, I left my "idol" to be in His will, although it has not been easy, I can tell you with 100% certainty that I have grown closer to God, my husband, and been a better version of me through it all. God doesn't work like college classes do though, even though you pass the class, sometimes you repeat it, or you move onto the next level course, the harder one in the same content area. You never grow when you are comfortable, and let me tell you I have been super uncomfortable! --- for those of you that don't know me, this is a whole other story, for another time--- However God has this way of using things in your life to make you grow closer to Him, to learn to rely on solely HIM, so you'll be ready to jump once again the next time he says to....say like if he says "you are moving to Amarillo" before anyone else realizes it is happening!!!!

I have been praying for my husband so much, truly focusing on it daily for the past year. Instead of nagging or trying to fix him myself, I decided I would turn to God and just pray about it!!! Maybe one day I will share more of this, but today I want to say how I have been praying for him to find a job he is GREAT at, and LOVES!!! Even more specifically that he would take on the role of Christ, as provider, protector, comforter, that he would be the sole provider in our family, and anything I brought in would be "extra" for fun or projects (*side note, It's so hard for me not to work-- as in bring in the $$ work! I love my home based business and still do it very spare time, I love Nerium. However God very clearly told me about a year ago I needed to back off my time spent on my thriving business, and watch HIM provide--reluctantly I said ummm okay) Once again I had to hand my finances over to the Lord. It was January, and I was speaking at our churches women conference on spiritual gifts, specifically encouragement and faith--while I know God used me to speak to women in the room--he was also preparing my heart, soul, and mind for what he would be doing in my life in those same areas over the next year! 

I listened to Lauren Daigle's song "I will trust in You" over and over and over. 
When you don't move the mountains,
I'm needing you to move.
When you don't part the waters,
I wish I could walk through.
When you don't give the answers,
As I cry out to you.
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You

I clung on to these verses that my sweet Mentor Martha Dillard shared with me, prayed over me, and I truly feel these words set me free from the bondage of control and fear I had in my life at the time( and sometimes pick back up) I went boldly before the throne as my sweet mentor Carol Howard told me to do, and claimed victory in Jesus name! 

23"Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:23-24

My "mountain" here was doubt, fear, control, amongst other things. I told my "mountain' to go throw itself in the sea, out loud( it was totally weird at first, then very empowering). I believed that God would provide, that HE would be my provider, I learned to rely on HIM, not myself, not my husband..and I received it! (still gives me chills)

WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS SOONER? (hard-headed much? I am a Roemisch sooooo that explains that!)
Seriously!!! I know hindsight is always 20/20 but why am I like the Israelites, surprised every time God says do this, and then he actually delivers!!!!

In the last year, my husband has found a job he is SOOOO GOOD AT! AND TOTALLY LOVES. Who knew the guy who could evangelize so well, was a good salesman?!!! He started out as a Direct Sales Rep for Suddenlink (door to door residential sales),**I almost died when he told me he wanted this job** and now has taken a promotion as an Account Executive (corporate sales). I am so proud of my hard working husband! I can tell you the first 3 months of this job when you are building your sales base, were more than tough financially! I prayed and cried, and thought about fixing it myself, and prayed and stayed the course, and GOD WORKED! Jeremiah earned sales awards multiple times, not bad for a "newbie"never done this type of job before, he totally amazed me, and it was beautiful to watch God work in His life---all the while working in my own! This job was tough on him, he was outside most of the day, walking in whatever weather there was, and was away from us A LOT. We had to rely on sales, and prayed people paid their bills so he wouldn't lose his commission. Living on commission is kinda scary at times, However it has been such a blessing! We have paid off so much debt, saved up our emergency fund, as well as our 3 months income(thank you Dave Ramsey) all in the last year!! This is just crazy to me! I feel like God is showing off sometimes, like here sweet girl, thank you for finally giving up doing it yourself, now watch me do this! And I don't say this just because we are more financially stable, but because we jumped, walked by faith, we were obedient and prayed and believed even when it was terrifying and He has provided way more than I ever dreamed a "door to door" salesman job could! I've seen my husbands confidence grow, his demeanor is different, maybe one day he can share more of this part of the story =) 

So about this promotion and why we are moving....

One of the drawbacks to the job as a DSR is you are out and about until dark, so most nights we had already eaten dinner, the kids were bathed and in bed by the time he got home. I was exhausted and we didn't do a very good job at making time for us as well as we do now. He worked most Saturdays and some Sundays. WORK WORK WORK ( this is so not his personality or his goal in life)
I remember him asking me about this job opening a supervisor told him he should apply for, account executive, I froze a little--We were just getting into the swing of things, and my type A personality had plans to finish paying off this debt, and remodel our house we loved here, as in we will live in Snyder forever, this will be our forever home!!!!!! However I didn't say that to him---instead of what I was thinking, I truly believe God spoke through me. Because I encouraged him to apply and go interview, and get that experience so when the job he really wanted came open he would be more prepared for it! *** way to go encouraging wife! Can I get an Amen, a high five? I rocked, that particular moment HA!

This is when God started telling me I would ACTUALLY BE moving to Amarillo, almost immediately after this came out of my mouth about getting interview experience. I totally wrote that in my journal and kept it to myself because NO WAY would this really happen right, I mean that is ludicrous! 

So he happily filled out the application. There was the call he had an initial phone interview, he didn't say much except he thought it went well. Then the call back for the 2nd interview when he went into the "bosses" office in LBK- a face to face Which lasted what seemed like ALL DAY LONG-- He was there at 9am and didn't call me until 12:10. When he did call He said "babe, we really need to talk about this Amarillo thing" (God seriously, I heard you but I did not want to hear you)

Shock n Awe, Shock n Awe---but not really, just God confirming what he already had told me. 
I wanted to fight this, I wanted to say all the reasons why we CAN'T move away---there are so many I can't even list them---I thought and later he told me he thought I was about to go off on the phone about it-----but I didn't say that. I listened to my husband, in all his excitement, and I could hear in his voice that he wanted this job!!! We waiting for the call for the final interview, and then what seemed like the longest week ever to hear back again YEAH OR NEIGH. We are moving or we aren't. Now we seriously have to tell our parents at least, maybe our siblings this is a possibility(YIKES)! 

There is a super good part to it as well... When he told me more about the job description--The best part about this job to me is that it is allowing him to be home more, we get to have him back! it's M-F 8-5. *hallelujah*  I'll never forget when we told Emmalyn about it, I mentioned that Daddy got a new job, and it means we would have to move to a new town, a new house, BUT Daddy would be home on Saturdays, and before she went to bed during the week. She was quiet for a minute, precessing like she does, then said so you mean Daddy will be home for dinner every night? I said yes ma'am, I wish I had videoed her jumping up and down in a circle fist pumping her hands in the air saying "yes yes yes, I get to eat dinner with my daddy, daddy gets to play with me" I totally cried, it was good for this Momma's heart. Because while I truly did not want to move from this house, our family, our friends, our church family, my sweet girls, Having my husband "back" at home more is just what is best for our family! God kept confirming this over and over. It was just a matter of waiting for the "you got the job" OFFICIAL call!!! And then we did!!!

--to be continued because I have to sleep and finish packing!!!! And how God has moved and made all the pieces fall into place for this move is Him again saying---Hey baby girl, I've got this..just sit back and WATCH THIS!!!! I want to have time to write it all out! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Birthday in Heaven Papaw

February has always been fun month in our family for me. It is short, sweet, and filled with LOVE, and on the 10th we celebrate Papaw's birthday, and the 11th mine. I absolutely LOVED sharing(basically) a birthday with him. There are numerous photos of cakes with both our names on it, celebrations we had together, memories we made. PRICELESS

Every year on the 10th I would try to wake up early and call the local radio station and be the first of us 9 grandkids to wish him a happy birthday. If I could, I'd call down to their house(¼ mile down our County Road) and see if he was up making my birthday breakfast yet, our JOKE. I'd then ride my bike down there, or on cold days like today get Mom to take me and we'd eat breakfast together. Mamaw would get up and read scripture to us to start our day, we'd pray. I would usually sing happy birthday to him, but not in a good voice, or to sound good. It was more of a funny thing he always did for us, calling us to sing happy birthday. My Papaw didn't have a perfectly pitched voice, however he made a joyful noise unto the Lord. It usually started out something like this: "test,, me, me, me, cough, clear throat," and then you knew what words would come out, but never exactly the tone/or beat ! It was just another "thing" he did in his funny way, just because. I loved his sense of humor. So I'd try to sing silly to him in hopes it was funnier than the way he would sing to me the next day.
He always gave us(the grandkids) $20 on our birthday's. We never knew how we were going to receive the money because he spent days/months preparing how to wrap it. His gift was always the last to be opened, and the one we all looked forward to the most. It usually involved a ton of duct tape and numerous boxes, upon boxes, with more duct tape. One year it was wrapped in a HUGE box, and I finally got down to the last one and it was a pen. I went to click the pen and it didn't work, the $20 was rolled up inside it. It took me about an hour to get to that pen! On my 16th I believe,  he put $20 inside a baggy, wrapped  inside I could have some to change my oil now that I owned a car. He was always so creative in doing this. You never knew if it was going to be quarters, $1 bills, $2's, $5's etc, or how many boxes you'd have to go through(without a knife or scissors). It was HIS thing, and it was fun, always!

The cake says Jennifer 2, Papaw ? 

The last birthday we celebrated together was my 30th. Papaw went to be with Jesus on April 17th, 2011. That day I saw God/the Holy Spirit, I'm not sure, but it was a very bright light hovering over his head and when he took his last breath it was gone. I was sad, but amazed all at the same time because I knew that he wasn't hurting anymore and he was with Jesus in all his Glory. I remember a peace came over me, a sense of feeling overjoyed. I didn't understand it at the time and still to this day not completely. But it was comforting. It was beautiful.

I recall one of the last conversations I had with my Papaw while he was in the hospital, just a few days before he died. He told me that he wished he hadn't wasted so much time, that he'd done more for God, for his Kingdom before his time was up, there are so many who are lost, he said. I said Papaw, please don't talk like that. He grabbed my arm looked me square in the eye and said well it's the truth, Jennifer don't waste your life, live it for Jesus no matter the cost. I told him okay I will.
I will never forget that conversation.
You see usually it was my Mamaw who "preached" to us. But this time it was him. I had already felt God asking me to make some big changes in my life, but was hesitant because it did not make sense at the time. Things soon changed.....we'll talk about all that another day.

So today, I am sad a little bit that I don't get to do all the traditions with him here on his birthday, however I know he is having such a better time in Heaven. I bet he'd say it was better than any party we tried to have down here on earth for sure! So instead of being sad I rejoice! I choose JOY! I am thankful for the time I got to spend with him, for all the memories, and the important things I am passing on to my family and those around me. I get to talk about Heaven with my daughter, she knows that Mommy's Papaw is in Heaven with Jesus.

Happy Birthday in Heaven Papaw - I'll see you soon, but not until my work on earth is done......and by the way: I'm learning how to put Jesus first, more everyday, still figuring it out, BUT... I don't think I'm wasting my life....JESUS really is EVERYTHING.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Little Friends Preschool

Today was the first day of preschool for my sweet little Emmalyn. I have been so anxious and excited for this day since last April, when we went to preview a day of LFP! And was HERE, time for Little Friends Preschool.  LFP started  two years ago, with a vision, and some friends. It is a co-op type of preschool, where us Mom's are hands on, and are assigned different TEKS  I mean tasks or duties that are a part of school. It is Bible based, and I love love love that! I have been so excited to get started, and learn how to teach my 3 year old! I'm the only newbie this year, and the other moms are so sweet and welcoming, and definitely have experience with this. It is going to be a great year!

This morning Emmalyn wasn't wanting to wake up! Jeremiah went into her room @7:40 right before he had to leave for work. Got her milk and she sat in the recliner and fell asleep again! I finally got her up and moving a little bit by 8:30. This is her yawning and thinking about eating her cereal. 

In her night night tank top that she LOVES so much!

Typically Em sleeps until at least 8, usually closer to 9am, she naps 1.5-2.5 hours each day after lunch, and then bedtime has been around 9:30pm. I know what you are she serious, yes I am and I am going to milk it as long as I can!!!! I'm sure this will change soon..... I kinda like the idea, however it sure is nice when I don't want to get up, that she is not up! 
Finally we got dressed and ready for our friends to come over to our house for school!
when did she get so big? HUH? I can't believe this!

She was so excited to go to school at her house! When her friends arrived and we got started it was fun! We learned Psalm 115:3, sang about it, read about Jesus feeding the 5,000. We also sang songs that went along with Chapel, and we learned that God created everything. This time I was in charge of Chapel, and I was super nervous about it, but the kids seemed to listen to the story, and loved the music time for sure! I did my best to come up with moves to songs, and the bible verse, and had help with a song via you tube, THANK YOU! 

Then we moved onto reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear. How did I not have this book? It is super cute and Em soaking it all up. After the reading time, they learned about shapes, and colors along with the animals from the book. Stormy did a great job!

She went from writing like this....
To writing like this

I have shown her how to hold a pencil an she does it "sometimes" let's be honest she usually just goes back to the full hand grip..but today she did it right! I was so impressed. She was able to trace around the shapes, and then at lunch she told her Daddy what each shape was except for a few she forgot! I am blown away!
After that we had some fun craft time and using paint, the colors of the animals in the book we made hand prints, that will turn into animals on Thursday. Vanessa is super crafty,and the kids had so much fun! ...I did too!!! I didn't snap a photo, because it was taking all of us to do the paint. whoops!

I know there was more that we did but I can't remember..believe that or not!

First day of preschool=Success for sure, she thinks we are having it to explain it's only 2 days a week....However she'll want to work on stuff we learned tomorrow, that will be fun!
I am so thankful God led us here, when I think about all it took to get me to be home to be able to even have the opportunity to teach her I am overwhelmingly grateful to our Lord, OH how he loves us! I am one blessed woman!

First day of school "official" photo!

A bow and flip flops =)
And Here she is reading her Brown Bear, Brown Bear book we made with Mrs. Vanessa. I am blown away, this is the cutest thing ever(I know I am biased)

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Mom who can Change the World

Today we heard from pastor Dan Reynolds. Here were his 3 points in typical Baptist fashion.
1. Mom must be dedicated to Christ. 
2. Mom must demonstrate her Faith.
3. Mom must develop her children in the Word. 
Sounds simple enough, yet overwhelming all at the same time. He asked us this question:
"If my children have the amount of Faith that I demonstrate, if they trust in God the way I do, would it be enough"
Whoa my mind is racing at this point.  
Our children will imitate us, they will catch our habits, ethics, values; whether good or bad. They will become just like us. I find myself just like my mother and father all the time!
Deuteronomy 6:7
"Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up."
I'm thinking to myself, do I really repeat" Love like Christ" over and over to my daughter through my words, my actions, my time? Does she know I have faith, that Christ is the most important thing to me. Do I really show that? ALL THE TIME, do I REPEAT IT? Do I truly develop her in the Word, even at her young age? 

Do others know about your faith? Do they speak of it? Do they know Christ is the most important thing to you? 
2 Timothy 1:5
"I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."
This verse made my heart so happy. I have never read it before. I cannot think of one time I have visited my Mamaw's house that we have not prayed, read scripture, or had a biblical or Christ conversation.  I think of my own mother who taught me and my brother, as well as all my friends. And now I am teaching my daughter. I see Faith in my Mamaw, and my mother, without a doubt!
2 Timothy 3:15
"You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus."
From the moment of conception I have prayed for my "baby", the cute, silly-bob-head, lovable, sweetness we call Emmalyn. I have prayed for her life, salvation, heart, attitude, spirit, husband, children, friends, and I am sure I am forgetting some things here. I pray that I can demonstrate to those I know Jesus Christ. If I can do the above mentioned 3 things, I feel I am raising a daughter than can change the world.

Today I am thankful, blessed, encouraged, and challenged spiritually, are you?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baked Potato Soup Recipe

Here is "my" baked potato soup recipe, all credit going to Recipes from the Heart, Tye Baptist Church cook book I received a few years ago from a very sweet lady!

Ingredients needed are:

12 slices of bacon(cooked and crumbled)
2/3 c margarine
2/3 c all purpose flour
7 c whole milk
4 lg baked potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 green onions, chopped
1 1/4 c shredded cheddar cheese
1 c sour cream
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt

I have learned to cook the bacon in the oven. Place the bacon strips on a foil lined baking sheet. Put in a COLD oven. Turn the oven to bake @400 degrees, and set the timer for 20 min. crispy yummy good bacon! Not much mess! but however you want to cook it is fine! But do this first, and then get started on the soup. I use kitchen scissors to cut up the bacon if I can't crumble it.

Here is the pan I use when making the soup. Recipe says in a stock pot or dutch oven..
Melt the margarine over medium heat. Whisk in flour until smooth. I used my spatula this time because my whisk was broken. Gradually stir in milk whisking constantly until thickened. Stir in potatoes and onions. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Add salt and pepper. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 min. 

Mix in the bacon, cheese, sour cream. (I leave some bacon set aside, and have a little extra grated cheese for garnish). Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until cheese is melted. 
This is what it looks like in my pot when done. And then I add a little garnish to the top when I serve it, like the picture below. 

When I make this for a crowd of 12 or more I use these portions(it's the recipe + 1/2 kind of I've had to play with it). Sometimes I still have a little left over for lunch the next day.

24 slices of bacon
7 large baked potatoes
2 sticks butter
1c flour
12 c milk
2c cheese
1 1/2 c sour cream
2tsp salt/pepper

That is what the above picture is showing, the larger recipe. It is even better the next day, I just add some milk while heating the soup to thin it up a little bit.
I try to make the larger recipe most times, I then take some to my grandmother, mother, widows, or friends who I know like it!

Please do share.